3 Travel Tips You Must Know!

Kamna Rishiraj
2 min readSep 20, 2020


Download Google Maps for use offline by typing in “OK Map”

One of my favorite new travel hacks — this is SUCH a lifesaver. If you have sufficient space on your phone, you can easily download Google Maps to browse offline on mobile, even when you don’t have Internet connection. All you need to do is go on the map to the area you want to save, then type “ok map” into the search and press Download.

Booking Airline Tickets

Only 52% of available bookings appear online. So if a flight appears to be full, call the airline and actually speak with a human being. Chances are they’ll be able to get you a ticket in no time!

Side tip- The sweet spot for booking airline tickets is 21–28 days from the date you want to travel. Prices are likely to be higher outside of this window.

Budget Travel Secret

Backpacking your way around the world? TripBudget, TrailWallet and Travel Budget can help you create a custom budget and track your expenses. These apps can be used even if you don’t have Internet and can’t check your bank account frequently.

Download TripBudget : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.calibvr.tripbudget&hl=en

Download TrailWallet : http://www.tripwallet.com/en/promotion

Download Travel Budget : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tech.jonas.travelbudget&hl=en_IN

