Lust List: Seven Magic Mountain, Nevada, USA

Kamna Rishiraj
Dec 13, 2020


Image: SoundBite Magazine

The Seven Magic Mountains are a large-scale public art installation by world-renowned Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone. Located on a busy road between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, the colourful rock columns are between 30–35 feet high. They combine the natural — the desert backdrop — and the artificial — the location of the installation and are on display until the end of 2021.A creative expression of human presence in the desert, Seven Magic Mountains punctuates the Mojave with a poetic burst of form and colour.

Coronavirus Update: Seven Magic Mountains is open to the public. Visitors must exercise an abundance of caution and practice social distancing and other healthy habits when visiting any public place. Masks are required. Be well and stay safe

